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  • You will not be competing for work!
  • Our System determines the best carrier for the job and only you will be notified!
  • You will not be waiting to know if your bid has been accepted or not.
  • No spending hours trawling through listings on a job board to find work that may not be available anymore!
  • No distractions whilst driving.
  • No stress looking for that next job.
  • No need to join multiple platforms to find work.

We want to make your experience on our platform as user friendly and profitable as possible.


  • Most invoices can be settled within 7 days subject to T&Cs
  • Payment is made as soon as job is completed without any issues (this could be within 3 days)!
  • All invoicing is automated
  • POD's are time stamped with Geo Location for your benefit.
  • Payment made direct into your bank account.

There are no other platforms anywhere that can offer this!


  • When you're available for work either at the time or in the future let us know via the "post empty or delivering from-to".
  • We can then notify you if there is any work available that meets shippers requirements.
  • The job will either be fixed price or the "shipper" will accept your bid.
  • If a shipper wants to receive a bid (quote) enter your bid in the box provided.
  • If a fixed is offered you will receive an acceptance notification.
  • On agreement you must agree to the T&Cs.
  • Full details of the job will then be released to you.
  • You will also be informed if this job pays in 3, 7, 10 or 14 days from invoice (always from invoice) before acceptance.

When the job has been completed, POD uploaded to shipper and there are no queries or issues you will be paid directly into your account.

Please note:

  1. Any congestion or emissions charges are for the carrier to include in their bid and you are directly resposible to pay this charge when due.
  2. You are responsible for any and all charges relating to speeding, parking or any other traffic violations.
  3. Emscon-AI offers no guarentee of work



  • A one off yearly fee for an administration charge for validation of your documents.
  • Payment is only requested after validation & aproval to the platform.
  • The validation fee is dependent on whether you are a one vehicle operator or a fleet (see pricing structure here Verification Pricing).
  • Policies are checked every three months with the MID to confirm policies are still in force.
  • We beleive this will eradicate "underbidding" and keep genuine couriers on the road.

No initial outlay, no need to pay thounsands of £££££s extortionate "lock in" UP-FRONT subscription/membership fees!


  • All bids are monitored & managaed by our systems.
  • You are not competing for work.
  • Underbidding is not possible on our platform!
  • We do not allow reselling or "brokering".
  • If you have your own customers, please contact us regarding a membership that includes shipper access.
  • If circustances change in the event of a breakdown we will find another partner to complete the job for you.

We believe this is a fair way of operating the platform to keep pricing competitive for bonafide couriers/carriers.


  • No exorbitant "up-front payment" fees.
  • No initial major outlay before you've even begun to earn from the platform (as small admin fee on acceptance to the platform is charged).
  • By no "up-front" fees you haven't paid for something you are not using (if you go on holiday or you're ill)!
  • Partners can reject an offer from a shipper if it does not meet their expectations.
  • The carrier will always have the choice either to reject or counter the price offered by the shipper (note a shipper also has the option to reject any counter offer)!
  • There are no charges or any "up front or monthly fees" for carriers at all!
  • Referral incentives available.
  • Your bid is what you will receive on your invoice (no hidden commission or admin/service fees).

This is the most cost efficient way to join a platform with the mnimum of outlay.